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Causes and Evaluation

The challenges facing specialist police cyber-crime units

Conducted by Diarmaid Harkin, Chad Whelan and Lennon Chang (2018) the study aims to uncover: “the key challenges facing specialist cyber-crime units” and based on the opinions of those surveyed: „what are the key changes needed to strengthen police responses to the escalating threat of cyber-crime?”. This Article will present their main findings and shortly

The new Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2019

Europol´s report focuses on the cybercrime threat landscape, highlights the key developments, threats and trends, as seen by law enforcement authorities across Europe. The report can be downloaded from Europol´s website, which also provides the IOCTA reports of previous years as well as report and resources to related topics: The report is structured into

EU approaches to CVE

The EU has acknowledged that there is an increasing need for focusing on preventive measures to combat violence and extremism. This issue cannot be addressed by the public authorities, but it needs to be supported and guided by the European Union and requires the collaboration with NGOs and civil society. Countering violent extremism (CVE) What

Overview of the European Agenda on Security

Modern threats have many faces. Among those are organised crime, cybercrime and terrorism, border security and foreign fighters, international smuggling, trafficking, propaganda, and radicalization. The European Agenda on Security was established to replace the previous internal security strategy to unite Member States in their quest for peace. Guidelines, key principles, tools and agencies will set