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Police around the world learn to fight global-scale cybercrime

  Police must join forces across international borders to take on modern cybercriminals. wutzkohphoto/ Frank J. Cilluffo, George Washington University; Alec Nadeau, George Washington University, and Rob Wainwright, University of Exeter From 2009 to 2016, a cybercrime network called Avalanche grew into one of the world’s most sophisticated criminal syndicates. It resembled an international conglomerate,

Cyber-warfare – How the battlefield went digital

Spies and intelligence agents, wiretaps and classified documents; thanks to our extensive training through Hollywood movies, these things seem to us purely cinematic, the elements of a more or less intriguing political thriller. But things like that really do exist. It’s not unheard of that countries spy on, manipulate or sabotage each other to reach